September 9, 2011
"Sticks in your brain like broken glass." -Rob Larson
Response- lol
September 16, 2011
"If you don't study the heart of it, which is the difference between the truth and lies-deception, you miss the heart of media." -Rob Larson
Response- This gives studying media literacy a meaning and makes me want to become more media literate so that I may find the truth.
September 19, 2011
"We can just talk about anything."-Rob Larson on what pertains to media
Response-How then do we decide what is relevant to class and what isn't? Or is everything in some way relevant?
September 19, 2011
"Fluoride was used in Nazi concentration camps to keep prisoners from wanting to escape." -Rob Larson
Response-I found this very interesting and frightening. I looked it up and the Nazi's did use it to keep prisoners docile and to sterilize them. Fluoride is a waste product from aluminum, and in it's pure form is a gas. It is mixed with sodium to form the solid sodium fluoride that is found in our water, toothpaste, and in some medication. Fluoride is also used in nerve gas and rat poisoning.
September 30, 2011
"Greek alphabet [is the] first and oldest alphabet [and was] developed from the Phoenician alphabet" -a presentation group
Response- Just wondering how the Greek alphabet is the oldest and first alphabet if it developed from the Phoenician alphabet? Wouldn't that make the Phoenician alphabet first and older?
October 7, 2011
"I didn't do anything wrong Chuck." -Stephen Glass "Shattered Glass"
Response: Of course you would say you didn't do anything wrong if you were caught with creating a false story, but your saying you didn't do anything wrong is not the same as not doing anything wrong.
October 14, 2011
"What is the line between deception and just trying to sell you something?" -Rob Larson
Response: This is a good point. Most advertising companies do stretch the truth at least a little bit on their products efficiency, capabilities, or longevity. However, this is normally considered to simply be good advertising because they are keeping the basic information and just making it a little more appealing. But does stretching the facts make it a deception? I think so because they are deceiving you into thinking that their product is better than it really is, so I don't think there is a line between deception and good advertising.
October 22, 2011
"Really take a look. That is media literacy." -Rob Larson
Response: I think that this statement does a pretty good job at defining media literacy. Looking closely at media to discover what is truthful is how you become literate in media.
November 1, 2011
"I knew them personally as people." -an overheard conversation
Response: How else would you have known them personally? As aliens or fish or something?
November 11, 2011
"You need to figure out how the world works so you can move on and live your life." -Rob Larson
Response: This is true, in my opinion anyway. If you can't figure out how the world works, then you can't get over trying to figure it out, and therefore cannot move on with your life.
November 18, 2011
"Only after you have lost everything can you be free to do anything" -Fight Club This is Your Life
Response: Makes sense. You can't do much when you are weighed down by all the material objects that matter in this life. Once all of those are gone so are the social prejudices and pressures that go along with them and that make you act a certain way, allowing you to be free and to do what you like.
November 27, 2011
"You look oddly nice today." -a boy to his girlfriends best friend
Response: Is that a compliment on how she looks that day or an insult to how she looks everyday?
November 30, 2011
"If you don't care then no one else really does either." -Rob Larson
Response: True enough. If you don't care about something that has to do with you, then why should someone else?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Premivul Media
Top Ten List of the Oldest Media
1. Antediluvian Stories*- world wide around 2400 BC
2. Petroglyphs- Gobustan, Azerbaijan around 10,000 BC
7.Bone Plaque Lunar Calendar-Blachard, France around 30,000 BC
8.Vogelherd Caves-Germany around 33,000 BC
9.Ishango Bone- Africa around 23,000 BC
* more explanation on these three*
Antediluvian Stories- stories concerning the Great Flood and civilizations exist worldwide. Though they differ slightly in different cultures the main elements remain the same. A few people, along with some plants and animals, escape a flood that destroys the rest of the world
Chauvet Cave- believed to contain the oldest cave paintings in the world, ranging from animals to human hand prints and footprints to abstract dots and lines. The cave paintings are in various colors and mingled with etchings of animals. They were discovered in 1996.
1. Antediluvian Stories*- world wide around 2400 BC
2. Petroglyphs- Gobustan, Azerbaijan around 10,000 BC
3. Lebombo Bone*- Saziland around 35,000 BC
4. Chauvet Cave*- France around 30,000 BC
5.Venus of Willendorf- Austria around 25,000 BC
6.Blombos Caves- Africa around 70,000 BC7.Bone Plaque Lunar Calendar-Blachard, France around 30,000 BC
8.Vogelherd Caves-Germany around 33,000 BC
9.Ishango Bone- Africa around 23,000 BC
10.Catal Hyuk Map- Iraq around 6000 BC
* more explanation on these three*
Lebombo Bone- a baboon's fibula bone with 29 notches carved on it found in the 1970'2. It resembles a calendar stick used modernly by Bushmen in Nambia, but some scientists also believe that it may be an ancient mathematics tool.
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